Living With Pets in the RV
First, let me say Happy Holidays to all of you. I hope you have peace and happiness this season. Now about those pets-personally, I couldn't live without a pet or even three! But, I am the crazy person that will go way out of my way to see a dog or cat. In our coach it is a little more of a challenge, we have no slides. The cats stay out of the way and snuggle with us at night. Max gets restless and underfoot sometimes.
To alleviate his stress and ours, we take him outside for walks and his favorite thing of all is his Wobble Wag Giggle Ball
I wish more places were more welcoming to pets. We can take him into most state parks, but once he's there, we are very, very limited to where he is actually allowed to go. I hate that. I wish that parks would set aside places that dogs can go. For instance, if it is a park with a beach, set aside a tiny part of the beach for owners and pets.
To be fair, I do see a lot of owners that do not pick up after their pet and I have seen owners with vicious pets that do not control them well. Use some common sense and responsibility with your pets and perhaps more opportunities will open for those of us that love to take our pets with us.
Bottom line, if you love animals, you will love them in your RV. They do take up some space for their necessities, but it's worth it in the end for the companionship and smiles that they bring us!
On a side note, those websites that you see advertised that give you a "certificate and an ID card" for your "emotional support" animal and tell you can take them anywhere a service dog can go are lying to you. It is a scam that you can pay hundreds of dollars for and still get arrested when an officer of the law challenges that service dog vest your pet is wearing. If you get a vest that states emotional support dog, you will definitely not be allowed to take your dog anywhere that any other pet does not have access too. Get educated, don't waste your money. It is a felony offense to claim that your pet is a service dog when it is not trained to actually perform a service for you that you require for your well being.
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